Tuesday, 10. October 2023

Experimental Horror Film Night

The Institute, Zurich


La Pampa, Chris Pitsiokos (Alto Saxophone), Jasper Stadhouders (Guitar), Violeta García (Cello), Tizia Zimmermann (Accordion)

Experimental Variations of Horror

From the Old Testament to Edgar Allen Poe and utopian visions that turn into pure horror to old film material that is reworked as found footage and brought to new life: The material and motifs on which these films, which play with horror in its many variations, are based, are wide-ranging. What unites all these films is the focused concentration on their formal nature and, as a consequence, the intention on the medium of film itself. The elective affinity of these US-Americans to the French Surrealists is particularly evident in the early film by Orson Welles, a homage to Luis Buñuel and Jean Cocteau. Finally, however, also in Joseph Cornell's film, which oscillates between homage and obsession, distilling the gestures, facial expressions and posture of Rose Hobart, the heroine of the exotic Hollywood drama "East of Borneo", and freeing her from the burdens of cliché, stereotyping and narrative verbiage.

These selected film gems are set to music by the new ensemble La Pampa with Tizia Zimmermann (acc), Chris Pitsiokos (as), Violeta García (vcl) and Jasper Stadhouders (g). The musicians from three different continents and four different countries have developed a musical language that is both organic and unexpected. While they each express their own individuality in music, their collective music gives the impression of being in each other's heads, deciding together on quick transitions and surprising turns.