Saturday, 5. February 2022

The Cinematographic South Pole

Moods, Zurich


Phil Minton (Voice), John Butcher (Tenor Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone), Veryan Weston (Piano), Roger Turner (Drums, Percussion)

The Cinematographic South Pole

The extraordinary, heart-wrenching official account of Captain Scott's legendary last expedition to the South Pole has been fully restored by the BFI National Archive and the film's sophisticated colour scheme has also been reinstated. The alien beauty of the landscape is dramatically brought to life, showing the world of the expedition in brilliant detail. After the tragic outcome of the Antarctic expedition, cameraman Herbert G. Ponting dedicated the rest of his life to ensuring that the grandeur of Antarctica and the heroism of the expedition were not forgotten. The images he captured have captured the imagination of countless adventurers ever since.

With over half a century of stage experience as a free-form vocal artist, Phil Minton (1940) is the undisputed reference point when it comes to freely improvised vocal art beyond words and concepts. Only rarely does he also perform as a bandleader and it is precisely this opportunity that should not be missed. Not least because his three somewhat younger fellow musicians John Butcher (1954), Veryan Weston (1950) and Roger Turner (1946) are no less legendary. There is no better insight into the lively prehistory of free improvisation in London.