Friday, 24. May 2019

EPA CINE - Festival Internacional De Cine De El Palomar

Auditorio UNTREF Caseros 1, Caseros / Buenos Aires


Mara Miccichè aka Iokoi (Voice, Electronics)

Maya Deren: Experiments Beyond Instruction or Entertainment

By its very nature, experimental film strives to depart from the conventions of its medium. It wants to break with the visual habits of the audience. In this way, Maya Deren wants to create films beyond instruction or entertainment; films that are poetic and which pull the medium itself out of its usual context. Beyond the dominance and productivity of the dream factories and opposing the general drive towards consumable and coherent film, she tries to capture in pictures a reality that is perceived as fragmented and incoherent.

Supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia in the context of its programme «COINCIDENCIA – Swiss & South American Cultural Exchanges»